Problem Visits
This is what flared the idea pf the site. Helpers that have no tolerance or patience for God’s special Angels who are not as fortunate as others due to a condition, illness or other mental or physically challenged who deserve the same (if not more) attention to our special friends and family members. Every Child deserves a visit from a torch carrier of Saint Nicholas, even if it’s an extreme case of autism to physically challenged due to blindness, loss of limbs, or with mental challenges like those who are timid and or the meek who just need a friend and wait all year for the one they know is a friend to all and open up with their life story as the parents seemed totally shocked, I have been through this many times. Might I add it may of even happened to me? yes and a broken neck yet, with no feeling from the neck down yet I walk? I was told I would be in a chair driving with my mouth, yet I am recovering to the best of my ability and yet thinking of others, you would never know it but here’s the xray below to show you when you see me know that the tree marked on me to prove the last 25 years and the last 4 I have been disabled and pushed to the back of the line in the off season so the problem is understood and times are changing in technology and so thus also is our routine. We have moved most of the mailing and presentation stuff online, not for commercializing but for net working as you cannot be bias to a note pad. and on a personal note a close person to me has an autistic daughter and hoping this site fills with information from all of us maybe we can all understand situations of human development for all of us to become for positive, educated and better people and a new respect for others that are not as fortunate as some.
This is my neck which actually was reconstructed
And reading many books to understand what the visitor is experiencing so we can have a nice visit. What frustrated me was that some one mailed me a news clip of a naughty helper who was rude to a special Angel and demanded PAYMENT that the youngster had no idea who he was and a few other things, sent me on a Google search and that was not the only story, there were dozens more. So here we are, I have transformed this to be a New North Pole FOR EVERYONE! even pets (I consider family members otherwise, just fuzzy, but as many who witnessed even the most ferocious come to me and are happy, friendly and photos always are well liked and appreciated.