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I have been called many names in my legacy, from my given Nicholas to the ever popular Santa Claus. No matter what I always put the children and my animal friends first and look out for all who are good. Hopefully this site will be the common ground the Winter Solstice needs for everyone to finally achieve a world peace , even if for 1 day.
My love for those who could not fend for themselves. Be it man or beast and the famous “What if” which led to the creations and lately technology creations. I want to reach out to those who do not really have a chance to meet with me and make that dream possible. I want to assist if able to those who are genuine Angels of the world as you see in some of my postings I fear nothing and will stand for any “Underdog” until I pass the torch to the next carrier. And with the global warming we thought that it be safer o move a lot of the new work here to cyber space and create a New North Pole but still have the old day quality and see our sister site as said by Michael Rich, rector at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Jacksonville, Alabama
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” Saint Nicholas was brave in standing up for justice, almost reckless in his generosity to the needy and deep in his love for the young and helpless. They are stories worth hearing because they are qualities worth having. “
Thank you

Slipped into Philadelphia for a quick prayer with his Holiness, Pope Francis. Thank you my friend 🙂 and glad you are who you are , I will pray for you for strength with your Earth bound duties.

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Welcome To The New North Pole
Please Make sure you are of legal age or with an adult. New North Pole is aimed at explaining different cultures celebrations of the Holidays and for the target crowd special needs children. Entering means you agree. God Bless you all. S.Claus also visit www.santaswebworld.com